Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tell me what you want, what you really really want.

First off I must apologize for invoking the spirit of the Spice Girls. Sometimes I really can't help myself. But I'm trying to figure out exactly what to do with this blog-- I'd like to share good deals that I find, especially local deals. So I could use some feedback-- what would you find helpful? What are staples of your family's diet or household goods that you have a hard time finding good deals on? What would you like to see here? Besides a prettier website? Let me know, 'kay? 'kay.


  1. Hey Lynn;
    I personally would love to be able to link up to someone locally for the wholesale coupon/sale match ups, baby's r us, toys r us, mall sales, possibly Save a lot?

    How about posting free baby or family events in the portland area?
    Talk back at me,

  2. Thanks for writing Teresa. Great ideas. Tell me what you mean about wholesale coupon/sale match ups?


  3. I think the thing we spend the most money on and then later regret is going out to eat or takeout. I guess we either need reprimanding/shame or the best cheap places to get takeout in Portland!

  4. Cool, thanks Heather. If you haven't already, check out

    I don't see anything earth-shattering on there right now, but sometimes the Maine Dollar Saver one has great deals on yummy places.

  5. Hi Lynn;

    Well you see how I do the weekly shaw's & hannaford deals and the monthly CO-OP Advantage? That's what I was thinking for the
    Whole Food sales. Do the post these monthly, weekly? I know they offer online coupons but do their flyers have these too?


  6. Teresa,

    Oh okay. I got you. That's a good idea. They post their sales weekly, but they also have a lot of stuff that they put on sale that doesn't make the flyer. But the flyer would be a great place to start. Thanks for the suggestion!

    Whole Foods puts out a "magazine" called the Whole Deal that has all the coupons they post online throughout the month in it. I always grab a small stack when I'm there.


  7. Ah Meegs your sweet. I would love to do a couponin' class, but I still have so much to learn myself! I am a mere newbie at all of this. You should see some of the ladies out there...
