Sunday, January 24, 2010

Another Decent Diaper Deal...

Target has Pampers and Huggies jumbo packs on sale for $8.99 this week. Jumbo packs aren't usually a good deal, but when you buy 3, you get a $5 Target gift card. And I have several $2 off Pampers that are only good through the end of this month and I won't be able to use them all-- so you could get 3 jumbo packs for $21 using 3 $2 off, and then get the $5 Target gift card-- not bad. Let me know if you want some of the $2 offs.


  1. Hi lynn; I can't reach you any other way so I'll leave a comment that you can delete. Do not answer any scam letter from me. A scammer has hacked into my google account, locked me out and changed my password. I am NOT in England. I did NOT lose my wallet and I do NOT want you to send money. I can't blog because I do not have access to my google account. Sorry if you receive one of these letters. It just sickens me. I'll pass on this advice that I hadn't heard before now. Change your password every 2 months. I hope to have this fixed in the next couple of days.
    money saving maine-iac

  2. Hi Teresa,

    That sucks. I'm so sorry that happened. I figured that was what happened when I got that email. Thanks for the advice on changing the password-- I need to remember that. Hope you can get back onto your blog soon and that not too much damage has been done.

    The good news is that all us frugal types would be unlikely to send money without thinking long and hard about it first! :)
