Thursday, April 22, 2010


I'm no expert on bartering, not by any means. But recently I've had a couple of experiences that have peaked my interest and made me wonder if there were other areas I could use bartering in.
My first experience involved trading some coupons -- hurray!-- for some fresh, local, organic, vegetarian-fed rainbow eggs. We go through quite a few eggs around here, so this was a good one. The arrangement was struck by meeting on a coupon website, (awesome, amazing people here who put my couponing to shame) and we agreed to rendevous behind Hannafords for the exchange. Sounds a little smutty, but I promise it wasn't (sorry to disappoint)-- her kids and hubby were present, as was my tot and my mom. Easy, breezy, and we got a lovely array of rainbow eggs.
The second recent swap was babysitting. My husband and I hadn't been out together since last September and enough was enough. So we swapped babysittin' with some friends and that was great.
Do you barter?


  1. Check out
    It costs nothing to join, here are hundreds of members (I've been one for almost 10 years), and lots of great stuff/services get exchanged:)

  2. Yes! That's a great point. I've meant to join that for years, good to hear positive things about it. I need to try the time exchange thing!
