Thursday, July 1, 2010

Frugal F&$!-up

It's been awhile, both since I've posted at all, but especially since I've shared any assinine financial mistakes with you. Well, this isn't a huge one, but it seems that I've surpassed my grocery budget every single week of June. What's up with that? Well, a few things:

  • Trying to hit that sweet Neutrogena rebate vortex that recently occured at both Rite-Aid and Neutrogena
  • A bunch of personal crap conspired and left me with a little attitude -- "eff the grocery budget! Just eff it!"
  • The hubster got a grill. So we've been getting stuff to cook on said grill, which is awesome. However, it does mean that he is eating less Clif bars (purchased at Whole Foods with stacked coupons, baby) over the sink for dinner and more pricey flesh o' the cow.
  • My kiddo is eating more. I know, blame it on the baby.

It's not the end of the world, and those are mostly legitimate reasons. But it doesn't feel great to this perfectionist. So July, you sweet blank slate, I'm going to try to stick to the budget...

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