Thursday, July 29, 2010

Add it up...

I decided to add up all my receipts from 2010 thus far and see exactly how much I've been able to save by being more frugal. This is an imperfect science as there's no way to figure out how much I've saved by shopping grocery store sales-- since not all the grocery stores give us that lovely "you saved" section like Shaw's does. But I can figure out how much I saved using coupons. And figure it out I did.

I took the giant, messy mound of receipts sitting on my desk and added it all up. Here's the data:
$947.80 saved with coupons on groceries & household items (Shaw's, Hannaford, Whole Foods, Rite-Aid, and Babies R Us (baby wipes))
Not bad! Especially considering it's still July and you know there's a margin for error as I'm not too organized and there are bound to be random receipts hanging out under the mud mats in my car, random coat pockets and other places. And $302.25 of those coupon savings were at Whole Foods. Likey. And like I said, that's not counting $ saved shopping sales or $ saved on non-grocery/household items.
How about you-- do you know how much you've saved?

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