Thursday, June 3, 2010

Holy Crocker!

I was surprised to check the Betty Crocker coupons-- usually they are just for, well, Betty Crocker items. But right now, they have Cascadian Farms, Muir Glen, Ben & Jerrys (combine it with the Whole Foods q for extra savin') Huggies, and a ton of other coupons. Check it out here.


  1. can you really combine the whole deal coupons with regular coupons? or do they give you shit about it? i still haven't worked up the cojones to use my coupons at whole foods. too much coupon shame! (i'm such a terrible example)

  2. You can my friend, you can! I do every week. I actually used $20 in coupons this Monday there. That was a bit much even for me but I slunk myself in there right at 8a.m. so I wouldn't hold anyone up at the cash register. I sweat a little every time I go in there with my stack o' coups, but it's so worth it...
